For the academic year 2022-23, I will be a Research Fellow at the University of Potsdam, in the Minor Cosmopolitanisms RTG. And I will be living in Berlin. The Minor Cosmopolitanisms research group is a wonderful and very unique crew of people engaged in research on countercultural, subaltern and other formations around the world. I’ve been involved with the group as a dissertation supervisor since the group’s inception about a decade ago, and before that on some of the group’s earlier projects, including the Postcolonial Piracy conference and book. I’m fortunate enough to have a sabbatical year and will be working on some new projects, including a book on waves, a short book about the history of the idea of practice, considered globally, and potentially a book on transnational Buddhist poetics. Work on The Third Mind continues, slowly but surely. And I am also working on a book about space with my mentor/friend Catherine Christer Hennix.