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“A place where the unknown past and the emergent future meet in a vibrating soundless hum: Thoughts on Energy and the Contemporary,” in Energy and the Arts, ed. Douglas Kahn (MIT Press, 2019).
“Towards A Taxonomy of Copying Practices in Museums” in Museum: A Culture of Copies, ed. Brita Brenna (Routledge, 2019).
“Depropriation” in Originalcopy: Post-Digital Strategies of Appropriation, ed. Franz Thalmair et al (University of Applied Arts, Vienna, 2018).
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“The Replication of Ideology: A Conversation Between Adrienne Shaw and Marcus Boon“, Journal of Games Criticism, 2016.
“On the Bowerbird, the Difunta Corea and Some Architectures of Sense: An Interview with Alphonso Lingis.” Scapegoat, Eros Issue, spring 2016.
“Between Scanner and Object: Drugs and Ontology in Philip K. Dick’s A Scanner Darkly,” in The World According to Philip K. Dick, eds. Alexander Dunst and Stefan Schlensag (Palgrave, 2015).
“Depropriation: The Real Pirate’s Dilemma” in Postcolonial Piracy, eds. Lars Eckstein and Anja Schwarz (Bloomsbury Press, 2015).
“Structures of Sharing: Depropriation and Intellectual Property Law”, Intellectual Property for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Approaches, ed. Madelaine Saginur, Teresa Scassa and Mistrale Goudreau (Irwin Law, 2014).
“From the Right to Copy to Practices of Copying” in Dynamic Fair Dealing: Creative Canadian Culture Online, eds. Rosemary Coombe and Darren Wershler, (University of Toronto Press, 2014).
“Meditations in an Emergency: On the Apparent Destruction of my MP3 Collection” in Contemporary collecting: Objects, Practices and the Fate of Things, edited by David Banash and Kevin Moist (Scarecrow, 2013).
“One Nation Under a Groove? Music, Sonic Borders and the Politics of Vibration“, in Sounding Out! (Feb. 2013).
Review of Semblance and Event: Activist Philosophy and the Occurrent Arts in SCAPEGOAT: Architecture | Landscape | Political Economy 3 (2012).
“Digital Mana: On the Source of the Infinite Proliferation of Mutant Copies in Contemporary Culture” in Cutting Across Media: Interventionist Collage and the Politics of Appropriation, ed. Kembrew McLeod and Rudy Kuenzli (Duke UP, 2011).
“Erik’s Trip“, Introduction to Erik Davis’ Nomad Codes: Adventures in Modern Esoteria (Yeti Books, 2010).
“John Giorno’s Buddhist Poetics of Transgression” in The Emergence of Buddhist American Literature ed. John Whalen-Bridge and Gary Storhoff (SUNY Press, 2009).
“A Conversation: An exchange between David Sylvian & Marcus Boon” in Manafone (August 2009).
“Sound Commitments: Avant-garde Music and the Sixties: A Review” in Signal to Noise 54.3 (Summer 2009).
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“On Appropriation” in CR: The New Centennial Review 7.1 (2007).
Introduction to Walter Benjamin’s On Hashish, trans. Howard Eiland (Harvard University Press, 2006).
“Sublime Frequencies’ Ethnopsychedelic Montages” in Electronic Book Review‘s music/sound/noise issue (2006).
“Philip Corner, Gamelan Son of Lion and ‘Gamelan in the New World” liner notes for The Complete Gamelan in the New World CD re-issue (Locust Music, 2004).
“The Eternal Drone” in Undercurrents: The Hidden Wiring of Modern Music ed. Rob Young (Continuum, 2003).
“Dark Angels” in Hungry Ghost (2002).
“Naming the Enemy: AIDS Research, Contagion and the Discovery of HIV” in Cultronix 4 (1996).